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Key Features:

● USB-C connectivity
● Bluetooth connectivity
● WiFi (Access point & station)
● Fully programmable functions & user interface via LISP scripting
● Four tactile buttons
● RGB 320 x 240 Screen
● Adjustable user profiles
● Works with any TRAMPA VESC device
● Can be used to power on / off any TRAMPA VESC Device's
● Fits 22 or 32mm Handlebars using a very strong clamp to attach.

Overall dimensions: 87 x 76 x 25 mm

Key Features:

● USB-C connectivity
● Bluetooth connectivity
● WiFi (Access point & station)
● Fully programmable functions & user interface via LISP scripting
● Four tactile buttons
● RGB 320 x 240 Screen
● Adjustable user profiles
● Works with any TRAMPA VESC device
● Can be used to power on / off any TRAMPA VESC Device's
● Fits 22 or 32mm Handlebars using a very strong clamp to attach.

Overall dimensions: 87 x 76 x 25 mm

Weight: 100g
HCC: 8471300000

If you wish to purchase the DISPLAYS in batches of more than 10 units then please send your inquiry to

How many VESC DISPLAY do you want?
How many VESC DISPLAY do you want?

1x VESC DISPLAY = £100+ Each
1x VESC DISPLAY = £100+ Each

2x VESC DISPLAY = £95+ Each
2x VESC DISPLAY = £95+ Each

3x VESC DISPLAY = £95+ Each
3x VESC DISPLAY = £95+ Each

4x VESC DISPLAY = £90+ Each
4x VESC DISPLAY = £90+ Each

5x VESC DISPLAY = £90+ Each
5x VESC DISPLAY = £90+ Each

6x VESC DISPLAY = £85+ Each
6x VESC DISPLAY = £85+ Each

7x VESC DISPLAY = £85+ Each
7x VESC DISPLAY = £85+ Each

8x VESC DISPLAY = £80+ Each
8x VESC DISPLAY = £80+ Each

9x VESC DISPLAY = £80+ Each
9x VESC DISPLAY = £80+ Each

10x VESC DISPLAY = £75+ Each
10x VESC DISPLAY = £75+ Each

Quantity required:
We have enough parts to make…  
RRP £100 - each

Excluding VAT

Approx price :
To see shipping prices delivered to your door please create an account and be logged into the system, so the system knows where you are and how much to quote you......

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