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SAMSUNG 40T 21700 Batteries 4000mAh - UK CUSTOMERS ONLY

SAMSUNG 40T 21700 Batteries 4000mAh - UK CUSTOMERS ONLY

Brand: Samsung
Model: 40T
Size: 21700
Chemistry: INR
Nominal Capacity: 4000mAh
Nominal Voltage: 3.6V
Discharge: 30A Max Continuous
Positive: Flat Top
Protected: NO
Rechargeable: Yes
Dimensions: 21.1mm x 70.4mm

Brand: Samsung
Model: 40T
Size: 21700
Chemistry: INR
Nominal Capacity: 4000mAh
Nominal Voltage: 3.6V
Discharge: 30A Max Continuous
Positive: Flat Top
Protected: NO
Rechargeable: Yes
Dimensions: 21.1mm x 70.4mm

Weight: 80g
HCC: 85065010

We can only Ship Batteries from the UK to customers in the UK.
If you choose to purchase these batteries, they will be shipped from the factory and you will have to pay a premium for the additional cost of the shipping.


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Quantity required:
The total number of this part in stock is 423
RRP £5 - each

Excluding VAT

Approx price :
To see shipping prices delivered to your door please create an account and be logged into the system, so the system knows where you are and how much to quote you......

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