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Team rider Ash Garwood Second at British kite land barding champs round 2.



Team rider Ash Garwood gives us the lowdown of his weekend in Redcar …


BKSA Redcar 2012


The end of summer is here and along with it the end of the English kite season. Thankfully for some there are still a few of us taking to the skies to end the British competition scene in style with the 2nd round of the British Land boarding championships. Coming back to Redcar for the 3rd time I was looking forward to riding there again. Every year Redcar provides us with hard packed sand and usually wind on one of the days. This year was no different. I arrived on a chilly Thursday evening and hit the hay ready for a session tomorrow.


I woke to a cross shore wind, eager, I was the first rider out on my 11m C4. The kite surfers and other kite users were soon to follow once they realized the wind was up. Friday was only a competition day for the kite surfers so I was able to watch the comps and train with fellow riders for Saturday. I managed to land some awesome tricks ranging from railey to blind’s to multiple rotations and handle passes, this put me in a great state of mind for Saturday’s competition.


Saturday came and with a sore head I woke early to catch the rider briefing, the forcast was for wind but not much. So I pumped up the biggest kite in my quiver, my 11m and hoped for the best as I was against riders with much bigger kites. When it came to competition time the judges were happy with the conditions and we were off. Riding in very difficult and low wind conditions I lost the first heat coming last. But as I warmed up to the conditions I used unhooked tricks and multiple rotations to my strength and managed to get one back. With the end round being almost black flagged the competition was over. Dispite the conditions I was proud of my performance and for all the people watching us.


Saturday evening saw all the competitiors get together with all the attendee’s of the event. As with BKSA tradition every one got merry and enjoyed them selfs to the end.


Sunday we woke to a calm sunny day with no wind leaving only the prize giving.

I was stoked with a Second a massive credit to my kite the 11m C4 as with out it I would have come no where. For low wind flying this kite rocks!


The end results were:


2nd Ash Garwood

3rd Abe Azoulman


Redcar was another great weekend, the final round is coming up at westward Ho from the 18th of October where I have a chance at the title once more, with it being very close between me and French rider LOLO it will be one to watch. so keep an eye out for more results. For more info on the competitions and to keep up with my travels go to


Stay safe out there, Ash.



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