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Input voltage is on par with the VESC 6 EDU, so 6S lipo max. It has one XT30 battery input and ideally, you slave it in from the VESC EDU, adding it's capacitors to the system. The EDU has two XT60 inputs, one can be used to slave in this board. The students would need to make a cable with XT60 on one side and XT30 on the other side. Both female.

There are two JST PH 3-pin connectors on the output side (in the below picture on the right side). One is used for a PPM input towards the VESC 6, one for an output if you use the VESC as a servo controller (SERVO OUT). Both JST connectors feature 5V and GND. A JST PH can carry 2A. If you pull lots of continuous amps, consider using both JST PH in parallel. Both carry 5V and GND at all times.

The jumper defines the direction of the opto de-coupler. PPM input into the VESC 6 EDU or PPM output to drive a servo from the VESC 6 EDU. There are two opto de-couplers on this board and the jumper chooses the according opto de coupler (U1or U2).

Weight: 10g
HCC: 8537109120
Quantity required:
The total number of this part in stock is 9
RRP £12.50 - each

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